ESFRI Roadmap 2018  - Domain


The National Research and Development for Food Bioresources – IBA Bucharest celebrated on November 14, 2020, the 20th anniversay of its activity.

The main research field of IBA bucharest is represented by the agri-food field and bioeconomy. Its objectives and scientific directions are: Food safety Nutrition (Bio) Food Technologies Consumer sciences

In its 20 years of activity, IBA has been in a constant concern for the quantitative and qualitative improvement of the R&D infrastructure in order to be able to meet the scientific directions and objectives.

The main research field of IBA bucharest is represented by the agri-food field and bioeconomy. Its objectives and scientific directions are: Food safety Nutrition (Bio) Food Technologies Consumer sciences In its 20 years of activity, IBA has been in a constant concern for the quantitative and qualitative improvement of the R&D infrastructure in order to be able to meet the scientific directions and objectives. The institute invested in in its human resources, thus, the share of R&D staff in total staff exceeded 60% and the share of doctors exceeded 30% from the people involved in R&D activities. Almost 60% of human resources had training courses in prestigious European and American organizations. At the moment, IBA has the best quality infrastructure, which covers the needs for both applied and fundamental research. The research equipment is included in the flows of 9 laboratories (Food Chemistry, Colloidal Biochemistry, Human nutrition, Food Packaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Molecular Biology, Microbiology ELISA, Sensory Analysis, Chromatography) and 3 pilot experimental stations (Fruits and Vegetables processing, Grain and Flour processing, Meat processing). IBA is a member of the METROFOOD – RI Pan-European Research Infrastructure, as well as a member of European and national research and innovation associations and networks. IBA represents the Ministry of Education and Research in international forums, initiatives and scientific groups such as: FP6, FP7 and H2020 program committees, BioNCP FP7, is a member of the Management Board and Governing Board of HDHL JPI, FACCE JPI, FAO – high level Expert Gropu, Euroagrifood Chain Umbrella, COST Action Food and Agriculture Program and also a member of European Technolgy Platform Food for Life. IBA Bucharest has invested in a permanent dialogue with industry both in terms of concluding collaborative partnerships for the institute and also in terms of generating non-public financial resources for the institute and it aims, as the main objective in immediate and medium-term communication (2020-2024) to strengthening its position as a binder in the triangle of integration of new knowledge in society, with a defined role in the interdisciplinary relations with all other actors involved. Today, on the 20th anniversary if its activity, IBA Bucharest intends to develop its research capacity in terms of demonstrating the capacity of food, as an element of disease prevention, an undeveloped field in Romania and even in Eastern Europe. This would be of real benefit to the Romanian food industry by improving the quality of food and its functionality in maintaining a health status and well-being of the population, but also to increase consumer confidence in Romanian food. More about IBA Bucharest here:
