METROFOOD - Infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition
METROFOOD-RI participates in the United Nations General Assembly Science Summit on 25 September
How can scientific research contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the agri-food sector? This will be dis...
leggi tuttoMETROFOOD-EPI: what was decided at the Thessaloniki interim meeting
The interim meeting of the METROFOOD-EPI (Early Phase Implementation) project was held on June 26 and 27, 2024, in Thessaloniki, Greece
leggi tuttoInterim meeting
It was on 1 January 2024 when METROFOOD-RI officially entered its "Early Phase Implementation" with the start of the European project, Horizon Europe,...
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METROFOOD-RI Participates in the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly